

Tour: Gardens at Heather Farms

Gaze Upon Color and Texture
Pride Of Madeira
Moonshine Yarrow, Milfoil, Sneezewo
Concha California Lilac
Purple Smoke Tree
Lewis Mock Orange, Wild M.Orange
Fruitland Silverberry
Pride Of Madeira

Common name:Pride Of Madeira
Botanical name:Echium candicans

Mature specimens of this evergreen shrub can grow to a size of 6'-8' tall and 8'-10' wide. In the spring, spikes of rosy-violet to blue-purple flowers appear. It should receive sun to part shade, with little or no summer watering when established. This plant can be severely damaged by frost below 25 degrees F.

Moonshine Yarrow, Milfoil, Sneezewo

Common name:Moonshine Yarrow, Milfoil, Sneezewo
Botanical name:Achillea 'Moonshine'

Long, straight stems with pale yellow flowers are striking on the mats of green to grey-green leaves of this plant, which are flatter and less divided than those of the Achillea millefolium. This Yarrow propagates easily from rooted cuttings or divisions which should be performed in the early spring or fall. Following bloom, one should dead head the plant and divide the clumps when it appears crowded. Introduced by Alan Bloom in the 1950's.

Concha California Lilac

Common name:Concha California Lilac
Botanical name:Ceanothus 'Concha'

Concha is a lilac that grows 6'-8' in height and width. It has small narrow leaves with intense dark blue flower clusters in spring. It is tolerant of coastal and inland conditions. -Cornflower Farms

Purple Smoke Tree

Common name:Purple Smoke Tree
Botanical name:Cotinus coggygria 'Purpureus'

A deciduous shrub or small tree that grows up to 10' tall, the purpureus is grown for its wispy, thread-like flower clusters and outstanding fall color. Its foliage has a redish purple color that turns somewhat green in summer. The plant requires sun to part shade, with little or no summer water. -Monterey Bay Nursery

Lewis Mock Orange, Wild M.Orange

Common name:Lewis Mock Orange, Wild M.Orange
Botanical name:Philadelphus lewisii

Lewis Mock Orange is a broad rounded to upright shrub. Numerous dense racemes of 1"-1 1/4" pure white flowers appear in early summer. Flowers have a subtle, sweet fragrance. This is the only mockorange at the Cheyenne Research Station that is still blooming and doing well after many years of neglect. Native to western U.S. Discovered by Meriwether Lewis and named in his honor. Needs full sunlight. -Fort Collins Nursery

Fruitland Silverberry

Common name:Fruitland Silverberry
Botanical name:Elaeagnus pungens 'Fruitlandii'

Evergreen shrub to about 15' overall. Large silvery leaves with rusty dots. Armed with spines. Good for hedge or dense barriers. Can be sheered; tolerates heat and wind.

Designer: The Garden at Heather Farms

Gaze Upon Color and Texture
Image: 4 of 20

Photographer: Vicki Anderson

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.