

Gallery: Hillsides and Slopes

Olivet Hillside
Iceberg Floribunda Rose
White Gaura
Kangaroo Paws, Red
Electric Pink Cordyline
Bush Germander
Compact Myrtle
Iceberg Floribunda Rose

Common name:Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Botanical name:Rosa 'Iceberg'

This is a shrub rose (there are climbing varieties) with an abundance of fragrant, medium sized, white blooms. It is one of the most popular roses and very tough.

White Gaura

Common name:White Gaura
Botanical name:Gaura lindheimeri

White Gaura is a profusely flowering perennial for all zones that grows 2-4ft. high. It has pink buds that open to showy white flowers in spring and fall. It needs full sun and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Kangaroo Paws, Red

Common name:Kangaroo Paws, Red
Botanical name:Anigozanthos hybrids

This tender perennial is a clump-forming evergreen that produces fuzzy, yellow green flowers that bloom in spring and last for over 2 months. Many sizes and varieties are available including yellow and pink flowers.

Electric Pink Cordyline

Common name:Electric Pink Cordyline
Botanical name:Cordyline 'Electric Pink'

The 'Electric Pink' cultivar is an evergreen shrub that grows 4' to 8' tall and 3' to 4' wide, with a vase-like habit. It has sword-like leaves with a variegated pink color. It likes full and part sun and is very tolerant of heat and drought. It will live in any type of soil that is well drained. This shrub looks great in containers. It needs regular watering until it's established and may become drought tolerant then. It tolerates coastal conditions.

Bush Germander

Common name:Bush Germander
Botanical name:Teucrium fruticans

This round shrub will reach about 12' high and has small, grayish/silvery leaves with blue flowers that appear throughout the seasons.

Compact Myrtle

Common name:Compact Myrtle
Botanical name:Myrtus communis 'Compacta'

This evergreen shrub is 6' high x 5' wide with aromatic leaves. It blooms with white sweet-scented flowers followed by bluish/black berries. It can be grown in sun or partial shade; well drained soil is essential. 'Compacta' has smaller leaves and is often used for edges and low formal hedges.


Common name:Lantana
Botanical name:Lantana camera 'Carnival'

This very heat tolerant Lantana reaches 3' tall and 7.5' wide. Foliage is green with serrated edges. In warm areas, this plant flowers continuously, with small yellow, pink and lavender colors reminding one of nosegays. Frost may kill the plant but in mild winter areas, this plant keeps looking great! Prune in spring if necessary. Lantana is considered invasive in FL and HI. It prefers full sun and moderate to minimal water, depending on heat. Sap causes dermatitis for some people.


Olivet Hillside
Image: 3 of 19

Photographer: Vicki Anderson

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.