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California Native Plant

Eriogonum fasciculatum var. poliofolium

Flattop Buckwheat

Plant photo of: Eriogonum fasciculatum var. poliofolium
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Flattop buckwheat is a clumping, grass-like plant that grows to 3' tall by 4' wide. White to pink flowers appear in dense flattened clusters throught the summer. Plants are tolerant of drought and heat. Native on dry rocky slopes 1-4500' across SW. Adaptable to most soil conditions prefers coarse well drained site in full sun. Has a naturally low rounded form. Leaves are dark gray green above white wooly under.



Full, Half



Growth Rate


Soil Type

Clay, Loam, Rocky

Soil Condition

Average, Poor, Well-drained

Soil pH

Neutral, Basic

Adverse Factors


Water Saving Tip:

Apply as little fertilizer as possible.

If you use fertilizer make sure it stays on the landscape, and carefully water it in so there is NO runoff.