Rosa 'Penelope'
Penelope Rose
The award-winning Rose 'Penelope' was introduced in 1924, produced by the Rev. Joseph Pemberton. It boasts 4-5" large saucer shaped blooms with 16 to 25 petals that bloom in large clusters. Along with its showy blooms, its hybrid musk fragrance is strong. Although it has a long bloom season, flowering continuously from summer into the fall, the spring blooms are superior. Young foliage has a showy copper tint, which will turn a dark glossy green as it ages. It will also provide winter interest with a production of orange-pink hips. It can quickly reach 4-8' tall and 4-5' wide, with a dense habit. It tolerates full to part sun with rich, fertile, moist, well draining soil. Better flowering and disease resistance in full sun. Flowers are light blush to shell pink with small oval buds. Flowers fade to white. Foliage is green and glossy.